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Showing posts from September, 2016


Interfacing LM35 Temperature Sensor with PIC Microcontroller. The are many cool sensors available now a days, ranging from IR distance sensor modules, accelerometers, humidity sensors,  temperature sensors  and many many more(gas sensors, alcohol sensor, motion sensors, touch screens). Many of these are analog in nature. That means they give a voltage output that varies directly (and linearly) with the sensed quantity. For example in  LM35 temperature sensor , the output voltage is 10mV per degree centigrade. That means if output is 300mV then the temperature is 30 degrees. In this tutorial we will learn how to interface  LM35 temperature sensor  with PIC18F4520 microcontroller and display its output on the  LCD module . First I recommend you to go and read the following tutorial as they are the base of this small project. Interfacing LCD Module with PIC Microcontrollers. Making the LCD Expansion Board for PIC18F4520. Using the ADC of PIC Micro...

Seven Segment Display Interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller

Seven  Segment Display Interfacing with 8051 Microcontroller Seven segment displays are important display units in Electronics and widely used to display numbers from 0 to 9. It can also display some character alphabets like A,B,C,H,F,E etc. In this tutorial, we are going to learn  how to interface a segment with 8051 microcontroller . We are using AT89S52 microcontroller. Before interfacing, we should learn about 7 segment display. It’s the simplest unit to display numbers and characters. It just consists 8 LEDs, each LED used to illuminate one segment of unit and the 8 th LED used to illuminate DOT in 7 segment display. We can refer each segment as a LINE, as we can see there are 7 lines in the unit, which are used to display a number/character. We can refer each line/segment "a,b,c,d,e,f,g" and for dot character we will use "h". There are 10 pins, in which 8 pins are used to refer a,b,c,d,e,f,g and h/dp, the two middle pins are common anode/cathode of ...


arduino-fan-speed-controlled-temperature #include <LiquidCrystal.h> //source: LiquidCrystal lcd ( 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 ); int tempPin = A1 ; // the output pin of LM35 int fan = 11 ; // the pin where fan is int led = 8 ; // led pin int temp ; int tempMin = 30 ; // the temperature to start the fan int tempMax = 70 ; // the maximum temperature when fan is at 100% int fanSpeed ; int fanLCD ;   void setup () { pinMode ( fan , OUTPUT ); pinMode ( led , OUTPUT ); pinMode ( tempPin , INPUT ); lcd . begin ( 16 , 2 ); }   void loop () { temp = readTemp (); // get the temperature if ( temp < tempMin ) { // if temp is lower than minimum temp fanSpeed = 0 ; // fan is not spinning digitalWrite ( fan , LOW ); } if ...


k -Nearest  Neighbor  Classification over Semantically  Secure Encrypted Relational Data Abstract: Data Mining has wide applications in many areas such as banking, medicine, scientific research and among government agencies. Classification is one of the commonly used tasks in data mining applications. For the past decade,due to the rise of various privacy issues, many theoretical and practical solutions to the classification problem have been proposed under different security models. However, with the recent popularity of cloud computing, users now have the opportunity to outsource their data, in encrypted form, as well as the data mining tasks to the cloud. Since the data on the cloud is in encrypted form, existing privacy preserving classification techniques are not applicable. In this paper, we focus on solving the classification problem over encrypted data. In particular, we propose a secure k-NN classifier over encrypted data in the cloud. Exist...